The Coin Purse

Over 50 years ago, a nine-year old girl was celebrating her birthday at our family restaurant (Mah Jong Restaurant). Upon learning of this occasion, my father gave her this coin purse from our gift shop, put a quarter in it, presented it to her and said, "This is a very special coin, it has magic powers. If you ever feel sad take out the coin cover it with both hands and ask for the sadness to go away. Wish very hard and it will show you what a special and wonderful girl you are."

That little girl, Eva B. Stiller, now an adult - still has the coin purse. She wrote to me last week when she learned that my book, "Dancing in Their Light" was just released to let me know how she still remembers this touching gesture by my father. She also added, “Whenever I would get despair or need to to pray for myself or someone that was important to me I'd take out the purse and coin and do some Jewish prayers and hear and feel your father beside me saying this will bring you hope.”

Thank you, Eva, for sharing your story. I’m so grateful to know how fondly you remember my dad, our family, and Mah Jong Restaurant.


My great grandmother, Mary Hartwell


My Dad as a young post-graduate student